Sunday, May 8, 2011

Arizona S.B. 1070

Arizona S.B. 1070

                The Arizona Senate Bill 1070 seeks to capture and deport illegal immigrants from the United States granting police agents the ability to check the immigration status of any individual if there is reasonable suspicion to believe that the person is living illegally in the country. 

Supporters of this law say that one should not be suspected simply because of race or nationality, but according to Chris Stanislowski in his article “Arizona’s New Law: A Call for Reform,” this law simply institutionalizes discrimination and condones racial profiling since “reasonable suspicion” is not clearly defined.  The author continues explaining that many U.S. citizens that are Latino or may look as such could be discriminated against under the bill and may be in risk of being treated as citizens of second class in their own country; likewise, legal residents and foreign nationals who are visiting the United States legally may also face unnecessary and unfair harassment.

                The Mexican government has suggested not to visit Arizona; people from other states have felt the discrimination and have opted not to visit or move to Arizona.  In fact, University of Arizona has reported that some students have decided to leave the institution in protest for the new law.  In a similar attempt, many civil rights groups have boycotted the state, the author reports. 

                Stanislowski’s article states that those who support the law argue that criminal cases are linked to the number of illegal immigrants in the state providing the example of the murder of an Arizona rancher, supposedly by an illegal immigrant.  To this respect, the author argues that even though the violence committed by drug traffickers and smugglers is a serious problem, this does not mean that all undocumented people are responsible for these offenses; however, those in favor of the bill blame illegal immigrants for these acts.

                President Obama’s administration argues that the law interferes with long established federal authority regarding immigration and could result in unfair harassment of citizens and legal immigrants.    

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